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              All that is left to be done...

The more life experience I get, the closer to the Lord I become,
       the more I resent my past and all the dumb things I have done.
I always knew better, so why did I often choose what was wrong?
       Why did I listen to bad friends and why did I so easily go along?
Why didn’t I act like a child of God right from the very beginning?
       Why did it dawn on me so late, I worry too little, too late in the inning.
Those things happened long ago yet they slash and tear at my heart,
       tormenting me even still, leaving my hope and self image torn apart.
I wish I had kept in mind all the promises I had made long before,
       so they’d tear not at my soul, leaving it bruised, battered and sore.

It was then A best friend came saying, "Why persecutest thyself this way?
       Believest not in He who came to ease the pain of Judgement Day?
Believest not in His words? Knowest not how great His love is for you?
       Believest not He died for you that you could be forgiven and begin anew?
Yea, though thou hast done much wrong and cometh as a beggar to His door,
       His love for thee hath made thee whole and He remembereth thy sins no more.
He hath heard thy voice and thy cryings, coming up without relent
       and He knows the intent of thy heart and of thy desire to truly repent.
Henceforth, persecutest thyself no more for He hath paid thine just due
       and now all that is left to be done for you to finally forgive you."

   "...and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged." Isaiah 6:7

       Officer Samuel Jeppsen #3751 (Ret) R# 140, September 2001-e


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