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                             The Hull...

The hull of a ship is so important, yet few understand it’s need.
       They ride in the ship calm and comfortable only noticing it’s speed.
Yet the hull is the ship’s survival. It’s massive outer protective shell,
       protecting those inside from icebergs or crashing waves as well.
If the hull were to crack or give way to the ocean outside the ship
       the people inside would cry out in fear and into the ocean they’d slip.
Yes, what protects the passengers and ship is that massive outer hull.
       If passengers understood that, they’d let nothing happen to it at all.
In fact they’d protect it far more than they’d even protect themselves
       for the safety of the hull is the safety of all who on this journey, sails.

So too it is in a marriage; which is a ship that has been set at sea.
       It’s only chance of surviving the ocean is the hull’s integrity.
For if the hull surrounding their marriage is not exceptionally strong,
       their ship will go down in a storm, the sinking not taking very long.
But if their hull is massive and strong, it can weather any storm,
       and impact from ice or crashing waves will seem little more than norm.
Yes, the thing that protects the marriage is the massive outer hull.
       If couples only understood that, they’d let nothing happen to it at all.
And what makes that hull so strong; what gives it it’s integrity;
       are two principles called; absolute commitment ...and unselfish unity.

          "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall
          cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24

       Officer Samuel Jeppsen #3751, (Ret) R# 140 October 2003a


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