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That Simple Truth That Came and Stayed...

It happened a while back during a nice stroll in the woods.
       The sun shown bright–the forest alive with chirping birds.
I sat on a log and whittled on a stick with an old pocket knife
       and began thinking about the past and the experiences of my life.
Each experience seemed to make me grow in a particular way.
       Each increased my faith, so next to the Lord I learned to stay.
My mom had taught me that little secret many years ago.
       One day she said, "Son, there’s something you need to know."

"At times, life will seem fearful, may even take your breath away.
       So stay close to the Lord, son, and always remember to pray.
Trust in His wisdom and trust that He will always help you out.
       Never fear or worry and stay away from the words of doubt.
You will see many who have no fear when times are safe.
       But those times are no test of one’s courage, trust or faith.
You will always be fine, son, if you remember this advice.
       For both faith and fear come with their own fixed price."

I smiled as I sat there and thought about what she had taught me.
       I had drawn on those words not once or twice, but continually.
Suddenly my mind was alerted by a rain drop striking my back.
       Several hours had passed by. Of time, I had totally lost track.
The bright sunny sky had turned into a dark overcast day.
       And after an hour of walking, I realized I had lost my way.
The rain was getting heavier. The woods now darkened and cold.
       I was alone and wet and I was merely at the storm’s threshold.

Of direction I had none. Each way looked the same to me.
       So I did as my mother taught me and dropped to bended knee.
I offered a fervent prayer and asked which way I should go.
       Then I raised and stood still, waiting for the feeling to flow.
As I stood there I again thought about all the times in my past,
       where the Lord had been beside me through each difficult task.
Though many thoughts passed by, there was one that came and stayed.
       "I’ve come too far and experienced too much to evermore be afraid."

Soon the feeling came of which way I should start my trek.
       I walked, keeping three trees lined up, never turning my neck.
In time I came out of the forest at right where I needed to be,
       reunited with friends and family, wet and late but home safely.
I never forgot that experience. It added to what I already knew,
       that I could trust in the Lord my God to help me make it through.
And I will always remember that simple truth that came and stayed.
       "I’ve come too far and experienced too much evermore be afraid."

   "For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2nd Corinthians 5:7

       Officer Samuel Jeppsen #3751 (Ret) R# 140, September 2001-b


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